Thursday, May 27, 2010

Vista Lavender Management people suck!

Bole tak, air kt rumah kene potong sebab aku tak bayar bil air setahun..mcm mane aku nk byr kalau setiap bulan bil air rm 100++? gilo..dah bape dah buat report tp derang tanak g cek..hari ni baru nk cek..sabar je lah kan..eiiiiiii..nasib baik derang bukak balik meter..mmg aku tak nak byr bil air tu selagi derang x revise balik bil air aku emergency leave..reason sebab bgn lewat and aku tade mood nk keje hr nie....huh!keje berlambak kt office..tgk la dis long weekend bole laa siapkan a few things kt rumah..hah..lega bulan ni rumah & kereta dah bayar..balance bole laa jengjalan cr makan...:P


Eddy said...

nak tnye, stay at vista lavender ok x? or not adviseable?

Anonymous said...

i agree with the comment. I am an owner in vista lavender and I was not allowed to attend to annual election of the committee. alasan saya tak bayar outstanding bill payment more that 1500 ringgit. Ini macam military management...........

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